BAYS Match Rule 16 – Game Forfeits and Fines

Game Forfeits

For any game in which a team is assessed a forfeit,  BAYS will impose a forfeit fine of $25 on the club.

Match Rule 1 directs that forfeits be assessed if the requirements pertaining to Credentials, Responsibility for Teams, or Game Roster are not met. See Match Rule 1 for details. Law 3 directs that teams require a specific minimum number of players to start and/or continue an official game. If teams do not meet the minimum required number of players to start or continue a game, a forfeit will be assessed. 

The referee needs to make a game-time decision on these requirements. The Division Director should then review the game report to determine if a single or double forfeit should be issued. The Division Director or Grade Director, as needed as per Match Rule 8, can also determine and assign a forfeit.



There are two situations where referees will be paid in full when games that they were assigned are not played. Neither of these fines/referee payments applies to games that are canceled by the organization due to severe weather or unplayable fields.

If an assigned referee crew shows up at a field for a scheduled game and neither of the two teams/coaches show up, then a “Teams No Show Fine” will be assessed to the club of the home team for its failure to cancel the assigned referee crew. The amount of the Teams No Show fine is set at the beginning of each playing season and posted on the BAYS website. It represents the cost of a full referee crew for a given grade group at the current referee pay rates. 

If a referee crew is already assigned a game and the cancellation of the game by the coaches is not provided to the hometown referee assignor within a specified BAYS time frame, then the referee crew will be paid for the canceled game by the offending organization. See Late Cancel Fine Policy for details. The amount of the team “Late Cancel Fine” is set at the beginning of each playing season and posted on the BAYS website. It represents the cost of a full referee crew for a given grade group at the current referee pay rates. 

These two situations may need a replacement game. The BAYS Division Director assigned to the section will help in the final determination of the disposition of the initial game by the home Referee Assignor, as well as order a replacement game if one is necessary.  The Grade Director, as needed as per Match Rule 8, can also create a replacement game or order results to stand.